
A publisher of artworks in book form.

All the Dead Stars, Katie Paterson

Katie Paterson's map of all the dead stars in the Universe. A map documenting the locations of just under 27,000 dead stars - all that have been recorded and observed by humankind.

How I Failed To Make Man, Benedict Drew

Benedict Drew - an artist working in performance, sound and video - attempted to recreate Man using the four main elements found in humans: water, air, carbon, calcium.

Text Trends, Martin John Callanan

Though Text Trends, Martin John Callanan deals with the spectacularization of information. Using Google data he explores the vast search data of its users.

$8,793 Worth of [Art], Pau Waelder

$8,793 Worth of [Art] is a collection of 159 real and false certificates of authenticity, culled from Sedition, an online platform that sells digital editions of artworks.